Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 10, 2011
Nghiên cứu đa dạng di truyền Lúa nếp địa phương bằng chỉ thị SSR

Genetic diversity of local glutinous rice (Oryza sativar L.)varieties
from Northern delta provinces using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
The genetic diversity and DNA fingerprinting of 45 local glutinous rice varieties from Northern Delta provinces of Vietnam were elucidated by using 45 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed through 12 rice chromosomes. The result of SSR fingerprinting showed that total of 234 polymorphic bands were detected at 46 loci by 45 SSRs. The numbers of polymorphic alleles varied from 2 to 10 depending on each locus, yielding average of 5 alleles per locus. The DNA profiles analysis indicated eighteen out of 45 SSR markers revealed 28 unique alleles (rare alleles) in 16 surveyed rice genotypes. The information of these markers may come in handy to distinctly identify and characterize those 16 varieties. The accessions included in this study clustered into two major groups with a UPGMA analysis. Most of the studied glutinous rice genotypes (43/45 varieties) fall into Japonica group based on chloroplast DNA and genetic dendrogram, which verified by the reference cultivars Nipponbare and Kasalath. Two other glutinous genotypes, including Nep non tre (6196) and Nep hat chanh (7055) were Indica based on chloroplast DNA and clustered separately from group of 43 Japonica varieties and two reference varieties. This application of DNA polymorphism analysis revealed genomic relationship in Vietnamese glutinous rice germplasm, generating a database useful for cultivar identification, local germplasm conservation, and breeding programs.
Keywords: Chloroplast DNA, DNA profile, genetic diversity, Oryza sativar L, SSR markers.
Keywords: Chloroplast DNA, DNA profile, genetic diversity, glutinous rice, SSR markers
Links download: http://www.mediafire.com/?f05771187cw17ul

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