Dr. Hiệu
Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA, 4th Edition được cập nhật rất nhiều thông tin thuộc mọi vấn đề liên quan đến công nghệ sinh học phân tử sau gần 30 năm ( tính từ cuối những năm 1970).
Nội dung cuốn sách giới thiệu các vấn đề: Nền tảng - nguyên lý cơ bản của công nghệ sinh học phân tử, các ứng dụng của công nghệ ADN tái tổ hợp trong nhiều ngành công nghiệp, nông nghiệp, y dược và sinh học chống ô nhiễm...

Blog sinh học: Acclaimed by students and instructors, Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA is now in its fourth edition, bringing it thoroughly up to date with the latest findings and the latest industrial, agricultural, pharmaceutical, and biomedical applications. At the same time, the text maintains all the hallmarks that have made it a bestseller. These include its straightforward, jargon-free writing style and its extensive use of figures that help students make sense of complex biological systems and processes. These features not only enable students to grasp core concepts, but also create the foundation needed to support their own research and development work using recombinant DNA technology. This fourth edition features greatly expanded coverage of the latest innovations in DNA sequencing techniques, therapeutics, vaccines, transgenic plants, and transgenic animals. Moreover, readers will find nearly 240 new figures to help them grasp all the latest concepts and applications. With its broad range of topics, Molecular Biotechnology is adaptable to different upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses emphasizing particular aspects of modern biotechnology. For example, instructors can easily tailor the content to courses focusing on the fundamentals of biotechnology as well as courses dedicated to medical, agricultural, environmental, or industrial applications. Key Features * New edition presents 645 figures and 113 tables throughout the text, hundreds of which illustrate complex systems and processes * Chapter summaries highlighting key points * References to the literature in each chapter facilitating detailed investigations of all topics covered in the text * End-of-chapter review questions enabling students to assess their knowledge * Updated examples illustrating the latest concepts and applications.
Nguồn : Internet
Tác giả : Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak, Cheryl L. Patten
Kiểu tập tin : PDF
Độ lớn tập tin : 9.96 MB
Pass: sinhhoc.blogspot.com
Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA, 4th Edition
Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak, Cheryl L. Patten
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