An Introduction to Genetic Engineering
by Dr Desmond S. T. Nicholl

Blog sinh học: In this third edition of his popular undergraduate-level textbook, Des Nicholl recognises that a sound grasp of basic principles is vital in any introduction to genetic engineering. Therefore, as well as being thoroughly updated, the book also retains its focus on the fundamental principles used in gene manipulation. The text is divided into three sections: Part I provides an introduction to the relevant basic molecular biology; Part II, the methods used to manipulate genes; and Part III, applications of the technology. There is a new chapter devoted to the emerging importance of bioinformatics as a distinct discipline. Other additional features include text boxes, which highlight important aspects of topics discussed, and chapter summaries, which include aims and learning outcomes. These, along with key word listings, concept maps and a glossary, will enable students to tailor their study to suit their own learning styles and ultimately gain a firm grasp of a subject that students traditionally find difficult.
Download: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering
Nguồn : Internet
Tác giả : by Dr Desmond S. T. Nicholl
Kiểu tập tin : PDF
Độ lớn tập tin : 7.58 MB
Kiểu tập tin : PDF
Độ lớn tập tin : 7.58 MB
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An Introduction to Genetic Engineering
by Dr Desmond S. T. Nicholl
Blog sinh học, http://sinhhoc.blogspot.com
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